Formerly the City National Bank, Moody National Bank received its charter from the Comptroller of Currency in 1907. In 1927, the City National Bank was granted trust powers, but full trust operations began in 1928. Today, the Bank’s trust department is one of the largest and oldest in our state – and a cornerstone of our business.
The bank experienced a couple of location changes, but in 1962, a need for more space led to the construction of a new bank facility at 2302 Postoffice Street – which is still the present location of Moody National Bank.
In its early years, the City National Bank enjoyed rapid growth, merging with the Galveston National Bank and continuing to expand. In honor of its principal founder, the late W.L. Moody, Jr., the City National Bank changed its name in 1953 to Moody National Bank.
Currently, the bank has 14 locations and continues to develop across Galveston, Brazoria, Comal, Fort Bend, Harris, and Travis counties.
Statement of Condition: 09/30/2024
Our Values
Committed to Being Your Community Bank with Global Experience
In all that we do, our mission is to build long-lasting customer and employee relationships by living our core values of respect and delivering excellent financial services.
Our Core Values of RESPECT
Relationships | We are committed and driven to build long-term relationships by providing the highest level of customer service.
Ethics | Ethics, integrity, and honesty are our foundation and the fabric of our commitment to relationships and business activity.
Solutions | We work to find financial solutions that meet our customers' objectives by consistently streamlining our processes, systems, and procedures.
Performance | We are committed to exemplary performance aiming to achieve or exceed our goals by taking ownership of our responsibilities within our risk tolerance.
Experts | We strive to be experts in the financial services and products we offer to our markets and the customers we serve.
Communication | Effective communication is the cornerstone of established trust and respect reflecting Moody Bank's values and culture.
Team | Teamwork by our employees promotes our culture of basic respect for each other, our customers, and our communities.
Embracing Diversity | We are committed to respecting and celebrating the diverse backgrounds of our employees, customers, partners, and the communities we serve.
Diversity Statement
Through our commitment to fostering an inclusive culture, we strive to create an environment where all employees can grow to their full potential and all customers feel welcomed. We value the unique background of every employee and customer, as this diversity is vital to achieving our mission of building long-lasting customers relationships by living our core values.
Executive Leadership
2025 Bank Holidays
Wednesday, January 1st | New Year's Day
Monday, January 20th | Martin Luther King Day
Monday, February 17th | President’s Day
Monday, May 26th | Memorial Day
Thursday, June 19th | Juneteenth National Independence Day
Friday, July 4th | Independence Day
Monday, September 1st | Labor Day
Monday, October 13th | Columbus Day
Tuesday, November 11th | Veterans Day
Thursday, November 27th | Thanksgiving
Thursday, December 25th | Christmas
2026 Bank Holidays
Thursday, January 1st | New Year's Day
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